With over 800 toys available to borrow, the Orana Toy Library will keep your children entertained for a very low cost while assisting children in the development of their gross and fine motor skills, problem solving and thinking skills while at play!
The toys are sorted in the below categories:
- Activity
- Babies
- Construction
- Games
- Imagination
- Music
- Puzzles

Toy Suggestions
We are always open to suggestions for new toys. If you have any ideas please contact us!

Toy Cleaning
All toys must be thoroughly cleaned and dried before they are returned to the Orana Toy Library.
View our handy cleaning tips.
Toy Cleaning Information & Handy TipsBroken or Missing Pieces
Toys are checked each time they are borrowed and will be checked when returned. We understand that toys break through general wear and tear. If the toys was in a good condition and the breakage was due to misuse, a small fine will be charged.
If you have lost a piece of a toy, you will be asked to re-borrow the toy in an effort to locate the piece. If after that time the piece is still not found, you will be charged a small fine which can be refunded upon the return of the piece.
If the toy cannot be used without the broken or missing piece, you will have to pay the full cost of replacing the toy.
If the piece is part of a construction set or similar you are to pay $10 per missing piece.
Any member who loses a toy or piece of a toy will not be allowed to borrow again until the cost of the toy or missing piece is paid.
Late Returns
Fines will apply to any toys and puzzles that are out for more than 30 days. The rate will be $1 per item per week. For example: four toys and four puzzles will be charged at $8/week overdue.
Toy Donations
Please contact us if you have any toys you would like to donate.
We welcome toys donations of appropriate toys throughout the year. Donated toys should be:
- Well designed, constructed and safe
- Durable and robust
- Complete and in good condition
- Suitable for children from birth to 5 years
- Easy to clean (not soft toys, dolls or teddies)
- can be easily transported in a car
The toy doesn’t need to be new, but it does need to be something that you would be happy to give to a friend. Sometimes we accept toys that have missing pieces, as we can use them for spare parts.