Member Login
Members can now log into their toy library account from home to see their borrowed toys, next rostered duty and allocate their next duty.
Login Now!How Can I View My Borrowed Items?
Through Mibase, members are able to view:
- Current loan information including how many pieces and their return date. (Click on the MY LIBRARY tab, then click on the toy number for more information).
- Catalogue of toys available to borrow (Click on the TOYS tab and use the keyword search).
Please contact if you HAVE NOT received your login details

Want to get involved? Join the committee!
The Orana Toy Library is run by a team of volunteer committee members.
Working on the committee is both rewarding and enjoyable, and offers all members a chance to have input in how the Orana Toy Library operates.
Current Committee
We've got a great team to help make the Orana Toy Library the success it is today:
Co-ordinator (President) | Jane Donald |
Secretary /Public Officer | Julia Mannix |
Treasurer | Teneille Houghton |
Roster Coordinator | Jane Donald |
Toy Manager | Dannielle Foster |
Loans Officer | Manisha Wadhwa |
Grants Officer | Sandra Taylor |
Publicity Officer | Emily Bell |
Membership Officer | Teneille Houghton |
IT Officer | Kate Loughran |
Tidiness/ Consumables Officer | Kate Loughran |