Duty FAQs
What does duty involve?
Members will be required to unlock and open the toy library at 10am on their rostered day. The key is obtained from the main library upstairs, enter through staff door on Macquarie St - ask at the desk and they will assist you.
While on duty, members are required to assist other members with borrowing and returning toys. This involves counting the toys to make sure the correct pieces are borrowed/returned, putting away returned toys and tidying the library.
At 11:45 you can begin packing up. Make sure all toys are neatly put away and that the library is clean and tidy.
At 12pm duty is complete. Turn off the lights, shut down the laptops, lock up the doors, return the key to the library and you're done.
Simple as that!
How often will I be rostered?
As a member of the Orana Toy Library, you will be rostered for duty (for 2 hours), four times a year between 10:00am and 12pm.
How do I choose my roster date?
There is a section in the Membership Application & Renewal Form to nominate your preferred duty day (Tuesdays or Saturdays).
Every quarter you will be notified when a new roster is available in Mibase. Use the blank roster form to select your preferred date.
Rosters are drawn up quarterly (usually during the school holiday prior to term).
The completed roster is distributed via email, the Facebook page and is also posted at the toy library.
Can my children come with me on my duty?
Of course!
Children are very welcome to come and 'help' on duty. However, please ensure that all toys used are put away and rubbish taken with you.
What if I can't make my duty?
The first step is to try and arrange a swap. The best way is to put a post on the Toy Library Facebook page.
If you are unable to do your duty, and do not arrange a swap, you will be charged a $30.00 fine. Of course, if you are too busy and prefer not to participate in roster duty, you can choose a non-duty membership.
What if a toy is returned with a broken or missing piece?
If a toy is returned broken, make a note in the diary and put the toy behind the curtain for review by the committee (DO NOT put it back on the shelf).
If a toy is returned with a missing piece, the returning member is required to pay a $10 fine per piece (make sure to write them a receipt). Make a note in the diary and put the toy behind the curtain for review by the committee (DO NOT put it back on the shelf).
It's my first duty, what do I do?!
Don't worry if you are a new member!
There is a detailed Instruction Manual which will guide you through the borrowing and returning processes.
Don't be afraid to ask other members for help - we all had a first duty once and are more than happy to help!
If you have any questions or concerns, you can also contact one of our committee members who will be able to assist.